

A full refund will be automatically processed to all users who have made their application through this website in case of application denial by the Government.

Once you have submitted your application with us, it is assumed and agreed that we will begin the submission process within the timeframe indicated during your application. Should you decide to request a refund after your application has been submitted, you can apply to be considered for receiving a refund of agency application service fees.

If you wish to request a refund, email us at indicating the following:

  • Your reason for the request.
  • Your full names(as appears in your passport).
  • Your unique transaction ID.
  • The email used to make the registration on this website.

For multiple requests, please indicate all transaction IDs.

All refund requests will be evaluated within 72 hours. If in case refund is approved, $35 cancellations/refund charges will be applied per applicant .

Should you require any further information, please refer to our: